The Wittenberg University Plasma Laboratory (WUPL) is a research laboratory in the Physics Department of Wittenberg University that studies plasma physics.

The mission of the laboratory is to carry out research to advance the knowledge of the fundamental phenomena in plasma sciences. This includes: studies of particle and energy transport in plasmas, collective behavior in plasma, and the interactions between plasmas and other materials.

The Wittenberg University Plasma Laboratory (WUPL) aims to be a premiere, undergraduate-driven laboratory for the investigating of the physics of particle, energy, and wave transport in plasmas. Its mission is two-fold:

  • to carry out research to advance the knowledge of the fundamental phenomena in plasma sciences
  • to provide substantive research and training opportunities for undergraduate students in the area of plasma sciences.

The research efforts in the WUPL are focused in the area of dusty (complex) plasmas and employs "tabletop" plasma sources for the experimental studies of the particle transport, wave properties, and thermal properties of the microparticle component of a dusty plasma. A detailed list of the research efforts within the WUPL by following the "Research Topics" link to the left.